The Art of the Table

€55 (6 wines for tasting)

Here is our invitation to discover the pleasures of our local cuisine, savouring rich, tasty dishes paired with five prestigious wines by Masseria Altemura.

The delicious specialities created with fresh, genuine ingredients stemming from ancient traditions and creativity are what make up Salento's typical cuisine. The Art of the Table (Arte della Tavola) is an invitation to discover the pleasures of our local cuisine, savouring rich, delicious courses paired with five prestigious wines from Masseria Altemura: as in the best-known Italian traditions that have come to symbolize Italy all over the world, family, friends and acquaintances gather together around a well-laden table to tell their stories, laugh, sing and experience those unforgettable moments typical of Italy's 'Dolce Vita' lifestyle.



Masseria Altemura è aperta ai visitatori ed agli enogastronomi tutto l'anno: venite a scoprire quale vino è il vostro preferito!

9.00 - 12.00 & 13.00 - 17.00
Visite pomeridiane, pranzi o cena
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